Clubs and Activities
Ridgewood High School offers a variety of clubs for students. Becoming involved by joining a club is a great way to take full advantage of all that RHS has to offer.
An activities fee is required to participate in most clubs.
All clubs are open to Grades 9-12, unless otherwise noted. Students are encouraged to involve themselves in as many of these activities that interest them so long as their schedules and commitments permit it. View the procedure for creating a new club here.
Clubs are currently being update for the new school year. Check back soon for new information.

Club Name: 3d Printing Club
Advisor: John Wohner
Student Leader:
About Club: 3d modeling and printing
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code: kw4ctme

Club Name: 9th Grade Math Team
Advisor: Lauren Truncale
Student Leader:
About Club: To provide 9th Grade students who have an interest in contest-style math with an opportunity to participate in the Continental Math League contests.
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Link

Club Name: AcaBellas
Advisor: Natalie Cardillo
Student Leader:
About Club: RHS A Cappella will perform throughout the year for events at RHS and the greater Ridgewood community and also compete in the International Championship of High School A Cappella.
Contact to Join: Auditions in September and then invited to join Google Classroom. Instagram: rhs_acabellas

Club Name: American Red Cross Club
Advisor: Allison Mende
Student Leader:
“The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.”
Values: Compassionate, Collaborative, Creative, Credible, Committed
Principals: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Volunteer Service, Unity, Universality
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: glhxau2

Club Name: Animal Services Club
Advisor: Drew Forgash
Student Leader:
About Club: ASC RHS is a club primarily focused on gaining the attention of nearby shelters for animals in hopes of finding them forever homes! We will do this through bake sales, fundraisers, merch sales, flyers, hosting donation drives, and much more!
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: gh4ra5w

Club Name: AOPS/ALPS
Advisor: Brian Quirk & Barbara Barker
About Club:AOPS & ALPS are application programs for incoming 9th graders and rising 11th graders respectively. The club is based on the "Outward Bound" philosophy that participants are capable of much more than they think they when engaging in difficult circumstances in "overnight wilderness settings". Students are introduced to a wide-range of outdoor experiences and treated as young adults---exploring and learning about leadership and personal responsibility are program hallmarks. Each group meets once a month in the evening and hosts up to 6 weekend overnight "field experiences" each school year (hiking, camping, x-country skiing, whitewater rafting). Each segment of the club runs together in the sense that all members can attend any club function/trip, yet the 11th & 12 grade (ALPS) membership is tasked with playing an active club leadership function both "in house" and "on trips".
Student Leader:
Contact to Join: Application Information

Club Name: Applied Engineering
Advisor: Hsuan-Lillian Labowsky
About Club:Applied Engineering Club members invent technical solutions for real-world problems. Through the process, the club strives to empower students to become responsible, innovative, and socially conscious engineers who contribute meaningfully to their community and the world.
Student Leader:
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: l7y6ews

Club Name: Armenian Students Association
Advisor: Linda Demirjian
About Club: Celebrating Armenian culture and history with friends!
Student Leader:
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: 7datbz6

Club Name: Arrow Yearbook Club
Advisor: Lisa Valenti
About Club:The Arrow Yearbook Club works to produce Ridgewood High School's two yearbooks, the Senior and the Underclassmen books, which are 280+ and 96 pages respectively. The Arrow Yearbook Club gives students an outlet to pursue their own interests, which can include but are not limited to journalism, writing, photography, design, and digital layouts.
Student Leader:
Contact to Join:

Club Name: Asian Cultures Club
Advisor: Medha Kirtane
Student Leader:
About Club:To raise awareness about different elements of Asian Culture from Northern Asia, to the islands, to Southern Asia to Western Asia.
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Asian Festival
Advisor: Medha Kirtane
Student Leader: Bella Johnson, Celina Kim, Iva Malwal,
About Club: Students organize, choreograph, perform and put on a Benefit in support of Doctors Without Borders based on the traditional cultures and modern customs of various Asian nations. All students with an interest in learning about the art and culture of countries from Asia are welcome! There is no prerequisite skill or background to join!
Contact to Join: ol2kzm3

Club Name: ASL Club
Advisor: Amy Policelli
Student Leader:
About Club: Our goal is to connect to students who are not in American Sign Language class and teach them some basic sign language. We also are dedicated to bringing ASL out into the community.
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Battlebots Club
Advisor: John Wohner
Student Leader:
About Club:Build and Battle mini battle robots & share our passion with the community
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: fqpihqy

Club Name: Biology Academic Team
Advisor: Andrea Joseph
Student Leader:
About Club: We are part of NJ Science league (along with Chemistry Team and Physics Team), and we compete against other schools in the state in Biology.
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: hdlswqw

Club Name: Cambodia Club
Advisor: Amy Nolan and Lauren Besser
Student Leader:
About Club: To support our sister school in Cambodia, which was constructed collectively by the public schools of Ridgewood and to educate our students and community about the dangers of the steps that can lead to genocide.
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: lolow6h

Club Name: Carolers
Advisor: Natalie Cardillo
Student Leader:
About Club: The RHS Carolers will perform throughout the year for events at RHS and the greater Ridgewood community throughout the month of December.
Contact to Join: Must be in choir/band/orchestra to participate. See Ms. Cardillo to join.

Club Name: Chess Club
Advisor: Alex Escobar
Student Leader:
About Club: Play and learn chess for fun and set up tournaments
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: 4tbb22h

Club Name: Children Aid and Family Services
Advisor: Kate Pinches
Student Leader:
About Club: To support foster families with supplies
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: ppximlk

Club Name: Chinese Club
Advisor: Christine Lee
Student Leader:
About Club: Our mission at the Chinese Club is to foster a community of inclusivity, support, and service. We strive to create an environment where every member feels valued, respected, and welcomed regardless of background, nationality, or proficiency in Chinese language and culture. Our aim is to provide a platform for mutual support, where members can find encouragement, guidance, and camaraderie in their journey of cultural exploration and personal growth. As a club, we are committed to extending our support beyond our membership and reaching out to serve the broader community in times of need. Through meaningful service projects and initiatives, we seek to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us, embodying the spirit of compassion, empathy, and social responsibility. By embracing diversity, fostering unity, and serving with compassion, the Chinese Club endeavors to create a more inclusive, supportive, and connected community where everyone can thrive and contribute to the common good. Together, we aspire to build bridges of understanding and cooperation that transcend boundaries and enrich the fabric of our society.
Contact to Join:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Computer Club
Advisor: Joseph Gyulay
Student Leader:
About Club:To explore computer science topics, get involved in computer science events (Hackathons), and compete in computer science contests (ACSL)
Contact to Join: Google Classroom Code: 3p3ym5j

Club Name: Crew
Advisor: Monika Richardson
Student Leader:
About Club: A fitness oriented group focused on learning the traditions, athleticism, sportsmanship, techniques, and camaraderie of the sport of rowing.
How to Sign Up: Contact Advisor

Club Name: Educate to Eradicate
Advisor: Medha Kirtane
Student Leader:
About Club: To educate younger students in the RPS about differences and their value to our community.
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Link

Club Name: eSports
Advisor: Sean Kase
Student Leader:
About Club: The mission of the RHS eSports Club is to create an inclusive and supportive community for students who share a passion for competitive gaming. We aim to provide a platform where students can pursue their interests in eSports, develop valuable life skills, and build lasting friendships. Our club is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and all members are treated with respect and fairness.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: tinzrsi

Club Name: exCELL
Advisor: Mrs. Danielle Wood
Student Leader:
About Club: Club exCELL (Excellence and Commitment to Education, Learning, & Leadership) is for students who want to develop their leadership skills by participating in learning opportunities and then sharing their knowledge with others. The students are committed to their own growth as well as making an impact in their local community. In order to be a member of the club, a student must apply and be selected to join the club and participate in a leadership conference. After the conference, students put their new -found knowledge and skills to work by giving back to the community in various ways. The ultimate goal of club exCELL is to foster growth in the area of leadership.
Meets: This club is only available via application and participation in the BOLT program.

Club Name: FCA
Advisor: Michael McDermott
Student Leader:
About Club: To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
How to Sign Up: Contact Advisor:

Club Name: Film Club
Advisor: Larry Holand
Student Leader:
About Club: Our vision and mission is to inspire, educate, and empower the next generation of filmmakers.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: janvvne

Club Name: Films with Friends
Advisor: Allyson Saladino
Student Leader:
About Club: Students coming together to enjoy pop culture.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: rnn3k3g

Club Name: Fishing Club
Advisor: Lisette Alvarez and Colleen Contreras
Student Leader:
About Club: To fish, provide angling education, share outdoor experiences, and promote conservation for future generations.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: p7uo6z7

Club Name: French club (Le Club Français)
Advisor: Helene Donovan
Student Leader:
Co-President: Marc Dwihe
Co-President: Mathias Nguyen-Van-Duong
About Club: Share French culture
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code: v4bcbp7

Club Name: French National Honor Society
Advisor: Laura Polk
Student Leader:
About Club: The aim of this organization is to stimulate interest in the study of French, to promote high standards of scholarship, to reward scholastic achievements, to create enthusiasm for and an understanding of Francophone cultures, and to promote international friendship.
How to Sign Up:Students are invited to join based on GPA (French & overall), typically in the spring of their sophomore year (while enrolled in French 3 Honors or higher). An induction ceremony takes place in May.

Club Name: FTC Robotics
Advisor: John Wohner & Ryan VanTreuren
Student Leader:
About Club: Competitive robotics competitions in the First Tech Challenge
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code: tyiujcq

Club Name: Future Medical Professions Club
Advisor: Cynthia DeTora
Student Leader:
About Club: Connecting with those in the medical profession in varying stages of their career to share and inspire future healthcare workers
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code: oyyyrmh

Club Name: German Club
Advisor: Nehrin Makhlouf
Student Leader:
About Club: The German Club promotes interest in the study of the German language and culture in an environment of camaraderie and fun. The club is not only available to those enrolled in German, but to all RHS students.
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Girl Up
Advisor: Christa Darakjy
Student Leader:
About Club: Girl Up connects transformative youth leaders to a global network of changemakers working together for gender justice. Through education, fundraising, advocacy, and service, youth leaders around the world develop the leadership skills necessary to accelerate social change and create a meaningful impact in their communities.
How to Sign Up: Google Class Code: zr2yb2s

Club Name: GirlsWhoCode
Advisor: Monika Richardson
Student Leader:
About Club: To inspire more girls to become computer scientists and engineers.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 77232jr

Club Name: Global GLOW
Advisor: Freddie LaFemina
Student Leader:
About Club: Global G.L.O.W. (Girls Lead Our World) programs combine out-of-school safe spaces and dynamic group mentorship with innovative, girl-centered curricula to equip girls in vulnerable communities with the skills and resources they need to thrive. This would be a local RHS chapter of a global group that would put students in a position to serve as volunteers and participants in the organization's programming, in particular through a partnership focused on Rwanda.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 6il5wsx

Club Name: Green Club
Advisor: Miles Luo
Student Leader:
About Club: The Green Club seeks to promote the sustainability, as well as environmental awareness and health of the Ridgewood High School community through projects such as maintaining the school garden, helping to run the school's Sustainability Day, planting trees, conducting biodiversity surveys of campus, participating in the village's Earth Day Festival, and coordinating with village organizations to improve the village's sustainability as a whole. We have many projects that students can join, and we welcome all new members and any practical ideas they may have!
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link
Link: Instagram: rhs_greenclub

Club Name: Helping Hands
Advisor: Ashley Onembo
Student Leader:
About Club: Tutors elementary and middle school students in ELA and Math.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom code: xywgbwp

Club Name: Homework Helpers Club
Advisor: Mark Ferreri
Student Leader:
About Club: To support study habits for middle school students.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: xl65han

Club Name: HOSA
Advisor: Crstina Gayed
Student Leader:
About Club: HOSA is a global student-led organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services and several federal and state agencies. HOSA’s mission is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community, through education, collaboration, and experience. HOSA actively promotes career opportunities in the health industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA’s goal is to encourage all health science instructors and students to affiliate and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership.
HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, middle school, adult, and collegiate students enrolled in health science education and biomedical science programs or have interests in pursuing careers in health professions. HOSA is 100% health care!
How to Sign Up: Google classroom Code: o2jnrqq; Instagram: @ridgewood_hosa and visit national HOSA website: to get general info.

Club Name: Japanese and Korean Culture Club
Advisor: Lauren Besser
Student Leader:
About Club: To create unity amongst the Japanese and Korean Student Population. Historically, there has been much prejudice between the two groups and the club is an attempt to gather, learn, and celebrate both cultures.
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom code: bfyitmh

Club Name: Jewish Student Union (JSU)
Advisor: Laura Freedman
Student Leader:
About Club: The Jewish Student Union is an organization that was created to introduce Jewish culture clubs to public schools all over the country. We decided it was time to start this club at RHS! During our club meetings, we will be learning about and discussing Jewish culture, food, religious holidays, current events regarding the Jewish community, and how we can all connect no matter our backgrounds or affiliations. Which means that everyone is welcome, no matter your religious identity!! Also there is pizza and treats at meetings!
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code: 45hphh7

Club Name: Latin Academic Team
Advisor: Stefanie Gigante
Student Leader:
About Club: Participate in interscholastic competitions of classical knowledge.
How to Sign Up: Participants recruited from Latin classes. Google Classroom code: c6h6mzh

Club Name: Latin Club
Advisor: Amy Mason
Student Leader:
About Club: Latin Club is dedicated to the New Jersey Junior Classical League spring convention and contests; the American Classical League student competitions such as the Medusa Mythology Exam; Latin outreach to the Ridgewood middle and elementary schools; charitable donations like our "amor est amor" shirts to support the Trevor project; and bonus Greco-Roman activities as selected by students.
Students can become members of both the NJ-JCL ( and NJCL ( and have a myriad of opportunities to participate in state and nationally ranked competitions.
Latin Club is open to all students, including those who have never taken Latin.
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code: ey6mfoj

Club Name: Latin Honor Society
Advisor: Stefanie Gigante
Student Leader:
About Club: To spread appreciation of classics throughout the district through both other school visits and RHS-based tutoring.
How to Sign Up:Students become eligible to join in their sophomore year or while in Latin IIIH; eligibility determined by GPA requirements.

Club Name: Letters for Rose
Advisor: Cynthia DeTora
Student Leader:
About Club: Letters for Rose aims to reduce loneliness among elders by creating and distributing
personalized letters, art and donations for local nursing homes.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: uul6lzi

Club Name: Magic: The Gathering
Advisor: Christa Darakjy
Student Leader:
About Club: The mission of the Magic: The Gathering Club is to foster a welcoming and lighthearted community around the MTG card game, and to create a play environment that allows for all players to have fun and express themselves through the game they love.
How to Sign Up:Google Class code: drj2gpy

Club Name: Maroon Men
Advisor: Natalie Cardillo
Student Leader:
About Club: RHS A Cappella will perform throughout the year for events at RHS and the greater Ridgewood community and also compete in the International Championship of High School A Cappella.
How to Sign Up:Auditions held in September then invited to Google Classroom. Instagram: rhsmaroonmen

Club Name: Math Academic Team
Advisor: Rebecca Gattoni, Sean Turkington
Student Leader:
About Club: To prepare for and participate in various mathematics competitions including BCML, NJML, AMC, and AIME.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: uq67s4i

Club Name: Math Club
Advisor: Rebecca Gattoni, Sean Turkington
Student Leader:
About Club: Explore interesting topics in mathematics.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: uq67s4i

Club Name: Meditation and Stress Relief Club
Advisor: Joseph Rathgeber
Student Leader:
About Club: An outlet for students to prioritize their mental health. It is a way for students to work together to alleviate the everyday stresses of high school.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Mock Trial Team
Advisor: Patricia Hans
Student Leader:
About Club: Students who are interested in learning about law, rules of evidence and experience what it is like to try a case in a Bergen County Courtroom should get involved.
How to Sign Up:A simple email to Ms. Hans, or a visit to 248, will provide you with the information you need as well as a link to the classroom page.

Club Name: Model Congress
Advisor: Linda Demirjian
Student Leader:
About Club: Students explore, discuss and debate relevant issues. Embracing the role of Congress, students are tasked with creating bills and resolutions to address these problems.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: vyyae5z

Club Name: Model UN
Advisor: Drew Forgash
Student Leader:
About Club: In RHS Model UN, students get to simulate United Nations proceedings, debate important international issues, and collectively create solutions. We host mock conferences and compete at other high schools and universities. Students are free to select committees to participate in, from fast-paced specialized conferences in fictional worlds, such as Star Wars, to General Assembly committees debating real-world topics, such as the ethics of AI Weaponization. It’s a great opportunity to meet like-minded students from across the world, scheme with allies, and improve your diplomatic, debating, and speaking skills, all while educating yourself on international affairs and issues. No experience is needed or expected, as Model UN procedure is taught every year. All are welcome!
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 4hypato

Club Name: Motorsports Club
Advisor: Steven Bourque
Student Leader:
About Club: This is a club for anyone that is interested in Motorsports, and would like to learn more about it. This is a great place to discuss the happenings in the world of motorsports. We will discuss any kind of motorsports as long as anyone is interested, including Formula 1, NASCAR, MotoGP, World Endurance Championships, IMSA, and many more. We also discuss sim racing as that is what some motorsports drivers do as well. We will recap the races that have occurred and will occur that particular week, and allow a place for anyone interested in motorsports to be at.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: d54pfpo

Club Name: National ART Honor Society NAHS
Advisor: Daniel DaSilva
Student Leader:
About Club: Promote aesthetic awareness through public service
How to Sign Up: Contact Advisor:

Club Name: National History Day
Advisor: Corrina Moss-Keller
Student Leader:
About Club: National History Day (NHD) is an academic program that engages students in the process of discovery and interpretation of historical topics. Either individually or in a group, students present their historical research on a topic related to the competition’s annual theme in the form of a performance, exhibit, documentary, website, or paper. These projects are then evaluated at local, regional, and state competitions that culminate in a national contest every June. The mission of NHD is to improve the teaching and learning of history in middle and high school through an innovative framework of historical inquiry and research.
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code hpi7epk

Club Name: New Players Company
Advisor: Kelly Van Zile and Morgan Knight
Student Leader:
About Club: All things THEATER ! If you are interested in being on stage, acting in plays, singing in musicals, working backstage, building sets, making costumes, hanging lights, stage managing or designing sound, this is the place for you! The New Players offers many opportunities to for you to be a part of professional theater company at the high school.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 5dugigg
Link:RHS NEW PLAYERS Instagram

Club Name: Oasis Club
Advisor: Amanda Valeri
Student Leader:
About Club: We run food/clothing/supply drives to support Oasis, a women and children's center in Paterson, NJ. Students also volunteer to tutor younger students at Oasis on Saturdays (a few times a quarter/as available).
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: jdw63xq

Club Name: Paddle Tennis Club
Advisor: Ron Knott & Brian Quirk
Student Leader:
About Club: The club was organized a number of years ago to promote and grow the game of Paddle Tennis (Platform Tennis). The club is for both boys and girls and runs on Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 4-5:30PM from mid-November to Early March utilizing the courts at the Upper Ridgewood Tennis Club. Format of the club runs like a "sport" in the sense that players drill the requisite skills and move onto competitive "house" play and wherever available, potentially compete against other high schools. An annual, one-time nominal cost (approximately $35.00) will be collected at the start of each years' programming to account for use of courts and incidentals.
How to Sign Up:Interested students should seek out contact information available at the annual "Welcome Back Club Fair" in September and/or contact Mr Quirk in the RHS PE Office. Traditionally, an introductory interest meeting will be organized around the beginning of November and advertised on the morning announcements.

Club Name: Philosophy Club
Advisor: Medha Kirtane
Student Leader:
About Club: To discuss and learn more about systems of philosophy
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Physics Academic Team
Advisor: Ryan Van Treuren
Student Leader:
About Club: Taking physics contests (exams) throughout the school year
How to Sign Up:Must be enrolled in physics class. See Advisor for Google classroom info

Club Name: Picture Book Club
Advisor: Vanessa Cornacchia
Student Leader:
About Club: Our club strives to interact with picture books through read alouds, analysis presentations, and creative writing/drawing exercises. We believe that picture books are valuable media for teens to interact with for several reasons. The first being that our generation's lack of attention span has led to much fewer teens reading; picture books can provide teens with easier literature that still preserves a love for reading. The second reason is that for budding artists and writers, picture books made by professional illustrators and authors can be sources of inspiration, and learning to create our own picture books can function as valuable practice. A third reason for teens to read picture books is because they are generally wholesome and contain easily digestible, positive messages that are often forgotten or ignored in certain toxic teen environments. The final reason to read picture books is for that lovely nostalgia.
How to Sign Up:Google classroom Code: 65yq7sm

Club Name: Pizza Club
Advisor: Sean Lynaugh
Student Leader:
About Club: We have a never ending mission to find, taste, and rate the best pizza Northern New Jersey has to offer.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: znga3z2

Club Name: Poetry Club
Advisor: Joseph Rathgeber
Student Leader:
About Club: This club is for anyone interested in reading, writing, and/or sharing poetry. Bimonthly prompts will be given to members as well opportunities to share their poems (whether or not it follows the prompt). Members will be notified of poetry-related opportunities such youth poetry slams, open mic nights, or poetry houses. Videos of slam poetry performances and poetry in other forms will be shared.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Project Interact
Advisor: Lynne Feeney
Student Leader:
About Club: Project Interact is the largest volunteering club in RHS that provides service to community mem-bers in need of assistance. Our motto “Service Above Self” defines the drive of every member to care for others and help those around them. Every Tuesday, all the club members debrief on up-coming events and fundraising opportunities.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: Itnaomq

Club Name: Psychology Club
Advisor: Lisette Alvarez
Student Leader:
About Club: The Psychology Club helps connect students to professionals across the field of psychology. Students learn about current and important topics like mental health and the importance of sleep. The Psychology Club helps broaden student education and helps them become more aware and informed on current and urgent matters.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom code: cygbbao

Club Name: Quiz Bowl/History Bowl
Advisor: Amanda Valeri
Student Leader:
About Club: The Ridgewood History/Quiz Bowl Team competes in Jeopardy-like academic competitions, in which members of the team show their knowledge by "buzzing" in and questions right. The club participates (and has excelled in) in the history-specific History Bowl, as well as Quiz Bowl, a similar competition which includes questions in subjects like history, geography, science, art, mythology, and literature. If you're ready to show off just how much you know, the Ridgewood History/Quiz Bowl Team is the club for you!
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: kcgojlc

Club Name: Rhapsodies A Cappella
Advisor: Alyssa Fanelli
Student Leader:
About Club: “The Ridgewood Rhapsodies are an All girl A Capella group from Ridgewood High School that love to sing songs from every genre, but are based around female pop. We live for harmonies and having fun together!”
How to Sign Up:Audition only; September of each year

Club Name: RHS Dance Team
Advisor: Rachel Streitman
Student Leader:
About Club: RHS Dance Team gives students an outlet to dance, make new friends, and perform at basketball games!
How to Sign Up:Tryouts are held each year in September

Club Name: RHS High Times
Advisor: Patricia Hans
Student Leader:
About Club: The RHS High Times is the School Newspaper. Our purpose is to print all of the news that is fit to print.
How to Sign Up:Contact Advisor:

Club Name: RHS Literary Magazine
Advisor: Carly John/ Eva Farrar
Student Leader:
About Club: To create and publish a literary magazine both online and on-paper.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom code: gptsfih

Club Name: RHS Recording Studio
Advisor: John Luckenbill
Student Leader:
About Club: The RHS Recording Studio is a fully equipped recording studio offering a professional recording environment for individuals, bands and groups looking to record a demo, mixtape, single, college recording, podcast, or an album.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: RHS Rock Climbing
Advisor: Livia Lauro
Student Leader:
About Club: Our mission in this club is to spread interest for climbing as a sport throughout the Ridgewood High School community. This will also provide a place for climbers to meet and talk about climbing. Club members will learn about rock climbing, watch climbing videos and discuss techniques, beta reading skills and exercises that can help make you a stronger climber.
Our target audience is people who are interested to learn more about climbing, those who want to challenge themselves and climbers of all levels from beginner to intermediate to advanced. The club will meet once a month at lunch and hopefully overtime as we grow we can meet more often.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom code: q3d3rss

Club Name: RHS TEEEM
Advisor: Lauren Besser
Student Leader:
About Club: TEEEM -- The Empathy, Equality, Entrepreneurship Mission -- is a local non-profit organization that teaches students about global issues and humanitarianism through empathy and entrepreneurship. TEEEM fulfills this mission by connecting New Jersey high school students with various humanitarian organizations around the world. In conjunction with learning how to comprehend and tackle global issues, these partnerships cultivate meaningful, rewarding experiences for students as they make a real impact on the world.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: zmyxw7x

Club Name: RHS World Support Alliance
Advisor: Laura Polk
Student Leader: Marc Dwihe and Natalie De Meulder
About Club: RHS World Support Alliance aims to assist orphans and others in need around the
world through a partnership with SOS Children's Village.
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code: 5vk5x44 Or Contact Marc Dwihe
Follow Us on Instagram RHSWSA Insta

Club Name: RHS-TV club
Advisor: Larry Holand
Student Leader:
About Club: "Don't just sit and watch TV. Make TV. To teach and develop the fundamental basics of television production for motivated students while having fun.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: fwbjnuy

Club Name: Ridgewood Rookies
Advisor: Alex Roberts
Student Leader:
About Club: Ridgewood Rookies is a fun, nonjudgmental, safe club for students to meet more of their peers and socialize together. It was specifically started for transfer students to meet each other in the hopes of easing their transition to RHS by connecting with other students experiencing the same social endeavors. We hold meetings during Unit Lunch to meet up and form connections. It's no stress and no commitment, just an easy opportunity to mingle and share how everything is going. All students (even non-transfers) are welcome and encouraged to join because it is a great way to make some new friends and be yourself.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: dhi2v63

Club Name: SAT/ACT Math Prep Club
Advisor: Brenda Ingoglia
Student Leader:
About Club: To meet, discuss the math sections of SAT and ACT, and practice problems together.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 2yimj5o

Club Name: Self-Improvement Club
Advisor: Steven Bourque
Student Leader:
About Club: The purpose of the club is to allow students to have a resource to learn about and grow in. This club has monthly topics, that have a guest speaker and allow students to learn more about these topics and to be kept accountable.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: d6rp67n

Club Name: Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA)
Advisor: Patrick Thurlow
Student Leader:
About Club: To provide a safe space each week for RHS's LGBTQ* students and their allies.
How to Sign Up:Contact Advisor:

Club Name: Sharing the Arts
Advisor: Gina Minichini
Student Leader:
About Club: Sharing the Arts is a non-profit performing arts program for individuals with mild to moderate developmental delays, including chromosomal abnormalities, Asperger's, genetic anomalies and other developmental delays. Our mission is to enhance the lives of individuals with special needs through the performing arts. Practices are led by student volunteers who serve as assistants, demonstrators, mentors as well as friends in the class.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: vxfg4v4 or contact Ms. Minichini at

Club Name: Skateboarding Club
Advisor: Lisa Valenti & John Wohner
Student Leader:
About Club: The skateboarding club's goal is to foster, encourage and promote the sport of skateboarding throughout the RHS community. Club members will share their favorite skate experience and parks as well as tricks and skills. Meeting time will be used to work on boards, share ideas, and design stickers and decks.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 6smule5

Club Name: Ski and Snowboard Club
Advisor: Craig Bunzey & Brian Quirk
Student Leader:
About Club: Ski and Snowboard Club was organized a number of years ago to provide RHS students with a low-key opportunity for twilight Ski/Snowboarding @ Mountain Creek in Vernon, NJ. The club is open to all grades on a first come, first served basis--and is limited to the first 50 students who sign-up. The program runs 5-trips annually on Tuesday's beginning in January and concluding in Early to Mid-February (weather dependent). Typically, we'll depart RHS at about 3:30PM on a charter bus, arrive at Mountain Creek at approximately 4:45PM, be on the mountain until approximately 8:30PM, depart Mountain Creek's parking lot at 9:00PM, and arrive back in the RHS upper parking lot at approximately 10:15PM. When a student "signs-up", he/she is financially committing to all 5-trips. Sign-up entails a two part process...the first is paying for the "RHS School Portion" of the programming which entitles the participant with a reserved spot on the charter bus for each of the 5-trips and the associated "chaperone costs" (participants can expect a cost in the neighborhood of $250). Upon receipt of that payment, the first 50 participants will be included in the RHS Ski Club Classroom where a specific Link to the Mountain Creek Lift-Ticket/Rental portal will be shared. Each participant will then be required to coordinate the purchase of either the "5-night twilight package" and/or the "seasons pass"option from Mountain Creek.
How to Sign Up:Mr. Bunzey or Mr. Quirk in the PE Office. General Info

Club Name: Soccer for charity
Advisor: Casey Garlasco
Student Leader:
About Club: Raise money and awareness for specific charities to help children, we work with the non-profit charity program KIC (Kids in Cleats) This is the Soccer for
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: pzc5qco
Link: Charity website -

Club Name: Songwriting Club
Advisor: Natalie Cardillo
Student Leader:
About Club: A place for people to share their music and learn more about songwriting.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: South Asian Students Association
Advisor: Medha Kirtane
Student Leader:
About Club: To spread awareness of and learn about South Asian Culture
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Spanish Club
Advisor: Damary Purrinos
Student Leader:
About Club: To promote awareness and appreciation of the Hispanic World, language, music, and food.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Spanish Honor Society
Advisor: Megan Rotella
Student Leader:
About Club: La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is an academic honor society in which students are inducted based on academic merit. Our meetings focus on cultural & community service activities as well as provides scholarship and contest opportunities.
How to Sign Up:Students are invited to be inducted into the Society every spring based on their academic merit (GPA) and being currently enrolled in Spanish 3 or higher.

Club Name: Special Needs Siblings & Friends
Advisor: Amy Policelli
Student Leader:
About Club: Special Needs Siblings and Friends Club is a club that provides an open space for students with siblings and friends of special needs individuals. At club meetings they will to share their experiences in an understanding environment. We share ideas and offer insight into each other's lives. The club also plans fun events throughout the year that are inclusive to all.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Link

Club Name: Speech and Debate
Advisor: Evan Walsh
Student Leader:
About Club: The mission of Speech and Debate is to teach and empower students to hold well-reasoned debates with their peers; to provide a platform for students to compete in a professional debate environment; and to improve student critical thinking and confidence in public speaking.
How to Sign Up:Tuesdays, 3:30pm-5pm, Rm 8 Attend a Tuesday meeting to meet the teams and sign up in person

Club Name: Students of Color Alliance
Advisor: Medha Kirtane
Student Leader:
About Club: To connect and support students of color at RHS.
How to Sign Up:Please see Ms. Kirtane in room 214

Club Name: Support the Troops
Advisor: Alex Roberts
Student Leader:
About Club: The RHS Support Our Troops and Veterans club is devoted to giving back to those who risked their lives protecting us. We work with both local veterans, troops overseas, and families of deployed soldiers to achieve an impact around the community, country, and world. Some of our favorite projects include writing letters to deployed soldiers and a Christmas wishlist drive for local veterans.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: f4edzfq

Club Name: Taylor Swift Club
Advisor: Lauren Besser and Alex Roberts
Student Leader:
About Club: Welcome to the Taylor Swift Club…it’s been waiting for you!!
This club is designed to be a safe haven for swifties of all kinds to connect and enjoy her music. We meet once or twice a month (pretty much at random) in room 305 during unit lunch. We put on some Taylor Swift and sing and eat our lunches and hang out. It’s the best. Our faculty advisors are Ms. Besser and Ms. Roberts, and we would love to see you at our next meeting. I’m sure we will be “enchanted to meet you!!”
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 3tzwfrd

Club Name: The Book Club
Advisor: Karen Aromando
Student Leader:
About Club: The Book Club has been designed for students to indulge in their love of reading novels, especially those targeted at teenagers in either the Young Adult Fiction or Fantasy categories. Book Club is a safe place to share your thoughts on the experience of reading chosen novels and to set goals for future reading endeavors.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 4omncj3

Club Name: The High School Democrats
Advisor: Gregory Zaino
Student Leader:
About Club: Our aim is to provide a powerful and collective voice for politically-active high school students. The High School Democrats is entirely student-run, and dedicated members from all walks of life have the chance to open new doors through their involvement in projects and events. We frequently meet on a biweekly to weekly basis in order to discuss local and national elections and current events.
How to Sign Up:Contact Advisor:

Club Name: Thrift & Thread
Advisor: Daniel DaSilva
Student Leader:
About Club: Revive & Repurpose Garments by designing Fashionable usable objects, our sales then are donated for a good cause
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: mckzzve

Club Name: Travel Service (formerly World Challenge)
Advisor: Eva Farrar
Student Leader:
About Club: Prepare for travel service trip. This year it's Bali!
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: ofm5ikg

Club Name: UNICEF
Advisor: Lauren Besser
Student Leader:
About Club: UNICEF is driven by a shared vision: a world that upholds the rights of all children and helps every child thrive. Student fundraise and volunteer to help better the lives of children locally and globally.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 75s4rnu

Club Name: Unified Sports Club
Advisor: Kristin Murphy
Student Leader:
About Club: Unified Sports joins students with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team/group. Training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding. Having sport in common is just one more way that preconceptions and false ideas are swept away.
How to Sign Up: Google Classroom Code: iojcvoq

Club Name: Video Game Club
Advisor: Julie Gordon and Mike Troy
Student Leader:
About Club: The mission of the Video Game Club is to foster a welcoming and lighthearted community around video games, and to create a play environment that allows for all players to have fun and express themselves through games they love.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 6ssb6et

Club Name: Zine Club
Advisor: Joseph Rathgeber
Student Leader:
About Club: To foster a creative and collaborative environment where students feel free to express themselves through the form of zines.
How to Sign Up:Google Classroom Code: 264mbll